About us

Bringing Hopes – A Belief in Humanity!

Bringing Hopes

We are BringingHopes, a charity for Muslims by Muslims. Our mission is simple: to help our brothers and sisters in the Muslim world who are suffering because of wars and conflict. Many have lost their homes, families, and hope. We’re here to change that, with your help. 

Why We Started?

Our founder, Mr. Mushtaqali Jaffer, saw the pain and the need firsthand. He knew we couldn’t just watch; we had to do something. So, BringingHopes was born to reach out to those in places like Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. These are places where too many of our family in faith are hurting.

What We Do?

We focus on the basics because, for many, that’s what’s needed most. Food, shelter, help for orphans and mothers – these are the things we bring to those who have lost almost everything. We work with trusted partners on the ground, so help goes directly to those who need it most.

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Humanity Beyond Boundaries!

Working Together!

We can’t do this alone. We need you. Every penny you give goes straight to helping. We’re transparent about how we use the funds, and we make sure they make a real difference. Our work with UNRWA in Palestine and the special permission to collect Khums money show that we’re trusted and serious about our mission. 

Our Invitation to You!

We’re calling on Muslims from around the world. You’ve seen the news. You know the suffering. Let’s stand together and help our brothers and sisters. Your donation, big or small, can bring hope and change lives. 

Why Help?

Because it’s what we’re called to do. In Islam, helping those in need isn’t just a good thing; it’s our duty. By supporting BringingHopes, you’re not just giving money; you’re giving food, shelter, and a chance for a better life. You’re showing that even in the darkest times, there’s light and hope. 

Join Us – Help Us Make a Difference!

Let’s make a difference together. Your support means we can reach more people, bring more hope, and heal more hearts. Let’s show the world what we can do when we come together as a community of faith and compassion.

Be the change. Support BringingHopes!